Pingo Poultry Group is onderdeel van de Plukon Royale Groep.
De Plukon Royale Groep is producent en leverancier van pluimvee vleesproducten met diverse vestigingen in Nederland, Duitsland en België.

Leveringen vinden plaats onder de algemene verkoopvoor-waarden van de Plukon Royale Groep gedeponeerd bij de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Zwolle.
Welcome to the Pingo Poultry website


Pingo Poultry has firmly established itself on the Belgian, Dutch and French retail markets. Furthermore, it works intensively at developing the assortment of fresh and deep-freeze poultry products together with the leading players in the processing industry. With proven success Pingo Poultry has grown to become a fine, versatile and reliable partner in the poultry production and processing sector.
The various branches service the Belgian, Dutch and French markets with the Pingo and Private Label brands of both fresh and deep-freeze products.