Pingo Poultry Group is onderdeel van de Plukon Royale Groep.
De Plukon Royale Groep is producent en leverancier van pluimvee vleesproducten met diverse vestigingen in Nederland, Duitsland en België.

Leveringen vinden plaats onder de algemene verkoopvoor-waarden van de Plukon Royale Groep gedeponeerd bij de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Zwolle.
Working for Pingo


We at Pingo Poultry are of the opinion that the quality of working conditions is just as important as the quality of the poultry products.

The Pingo principles for work and employees are:
- Ensuring a healthy, safe and hygienic working environment for employees.
- Employees are treated with respect, which, in turn, encourages respectful behaviour

  towards each other.

- Cultural differences are acknowledged and respected.
- The minimum employment age is 16 in Holland and 18 in Belgium.

Well-qualified and contented employees, who can meet the client’s quality demands. That’s what it’s all about.

There are no vacancies at present.