Pingo Poultry Group is onderdeel van de Plukon Royale Groep.
De Plukon Royale Groep is producent en leverancier van pluimvee vleesproducten met diverse vestigingen in Nederland, Duitsland en België.

Leveringen vinden plaats onder de algemene verkoopvoor-waarden van de Plukon Royale Groep gedeponeerd bij de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Zwolle.


Chicken is a source of endless possibilities for both the home cook and professional chef. Its neutral taste means that it can be combined with all kinds of herbs, sauces and vegetables. Its not for nothing that chicken is often called ‘the most versatile piece of meat’.


Chicken is nicely tender, low fat and easy to prepare. This makes it one of the most widely eaten kinds of meat. The various pieces of chicken like breast, cutlet or leg offer the possibility of limitless variation.