Pingo Poultry Group is onderdeel van de Plukon Royale Groep.
De Plukon Royale Groep is producent en leverancier van pluimvee vleesproducten met diverse vestigingen in Nederland, Duitsland en België.

Leveringen vinden plaats onder de algemene verkoopvoor-waarden van de Plukon Royale Groep gedeponeerd bij de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Zwolle.


Pingo is part of the Plukon Royale Groep which manages the integration. All the links in the production chain are directed by De KuikenaeR, a dedicated supply chain manager. The poultry farmers have permanent contracts with De KuikenaeR and all meet the same quality standards. They all focus on animal health, environmental and animal welfare aspects and the required meat quality.


Because the production chain is controlled from A to Z, all the elements and quality aspects can be accurately matched to each other. This provides guarantees for quality, security and safety.